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Vocational Training for the Disabled

People with disabilities vary in types of disorder and condition. There are disabled people who possess perfect mental capabilities on job and contribution to the society.There are also people possess healthy physics but along with the disabilities on their mental or intellectual. Nobody wants to be a disabled person, they might have accepted their faith, but this is our responsibility to help and support their self-worth and fully integrate into the society.

It’s true that disabilities have been through hundred to thousand discussions but lead to fewer actions. What they need is to get education and access to job opportunities, which is our duty to make it happens. Speaking of which, vocational training is something to be promoted seriously to achieve the goals. Vocational training is actually the core of this project which allows them to have skills demanded by the job market.

There were times where people with down syndrome were pushed to learn and study in such inclusion programs. However, the goal of making a better world should be built on the environment where regular people and disabled people acquainting with each other and contribute to the society based on their skills. It may be true that we can’t put regular children and those with mental disabilities in the same classroom. There will be the biased approach in teaching such class condition and imbalance performance as there is no space to response or approach the special needs of disabled children which lead to marginalization. At this point, vocational training gets more important than before. The training should involve teachers with the capabilities in teaching the disabled and the materials should be specifically built for disabled people.

Vocational training classes for the disabled usually have limited students to enhance the learning effectivity. At this point vocational training allows the teacher to have a better focus on the students and allows them to apply a personalized approach to each student. The students will gain better learning and show progress as they’re provided with more attention. The supportive and caring gesture will enhance any results in vocational training.

It’s true that you may put more energy, time, and other resources in dealing with disabled people. But it worth to fight as vocation training for disabled people is needed more than any other education. Vocational training provides opportunities for disabled people to actualize and optimize their potential in order to contribute the society.