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The React Native Approach Is Going To Be A More Preferred Option For 2018

The React Native Approach Is Going To Be A More Preferred Option For 2018

React Native is a trending open source JavaScript framework. Furthermore, it could also render on a server with NodeJS and power mobile applications with the use of React Native that’s achieved via declaring simple views for every state in the app. Aside from this,  React JS development is a preferable solution for making interactive User Interface designs for mobile as well as web solutions, updates and furnishes just about the right components when a user interacts with the app. Solutions could be developed with new features in React with no need to rewrite existing code. For ultra-high performance, React uses a virtual DOM implementation.


There is a steady demand for React Native apps developers. For developers interested in this framework, consider some tips, like the following.

  1. Avoid the noise. The technology world is constantly evolving and growing. However, it could be exhausting, particularly if one is just getting started. The key is to focus on what one has learned and block out new stuff for some time. Allow learning core concepts, instead of perpetually chasing the tail with the latest way of doing things. Consider making a plan and sticking to it.
  2. Schedule Time. All people are busy, but it’s important to take time for important things. The point is to make a commitment, putting it on calendar and sticking to it. Start with five minutes every weekday and then later on make it to ten and so forth. The point is to have it on the calendar and show up for it, which in general works every time.
  3. Keep it low stakes. Diving into building app right now is not the best place to learn. It is frustrating since there are a lot of moving parts, and it could be infuriating when, the following week there is something wrong and going through it all over again and fix it in the app. Learn the one concept, one package, one technique at a time. The code would benefit and one will understand what is going on in a much better way.
  4. Create a study plan. It pays to have a plan. This is a great way in learning React Native. Check out the learning resource, look through the content on offer and put in on calendar. Keep the head down and work through that before looking at anything else.
  5. Do not just consume. It is wrong to assume that watching videos is enough. The key is to code alongside or write a similar thing after the end of the video. Consuming and making is the way to achieve mastery and to really understand.


2017 perhaps proved to be an exceptional year for mobile application development, wherein organizations no longer are in a dilemma regarding the significance of the app development. However, mobile app developer are still perplexed when it comes to shorter time of development, API access, open source or choosing between third-party libraries.


React Native consultants started out being simple software developers. React Native truly provides advantages to developers. Check out the following.

  1. Learning ease. React Native is an excellent tool for boosting JavaScript skills. Programming in other popular framework, like AngularJS, requires knowledge of the inherent syntax specifics, aside from learning the basics of the language. So, using React Native allows significant time savings, since developers will spend less efforts on coding and the further development of the app.
  2. Simplified UI design. In a native app development, a lot of programmers face several difficulties because of the need to create an orderly sequence of actions, which describe the program’s operation. A similar kind of software creation, which is called imperative is inherent in a lot of frequently used native development environments for Objective-C or Swift, Java for instance. In turn, React Native app development employs declarative coding, which make the order of action implementation non-relevant.
  3. The ability to develop cross-platform apps for Android and iOS. The main advantage of React Native is its ability of developing cross-platform apps. These days, a lot of cross-platform apps are implemented by a lot of startups and business projects. The solutions are an option for customers with fairly limited budget and for those who have to work with a remote development team as well. Even with the big number of calculations in the app, the framework is still able to provide playback of animations in sixty frames each second.
  4. Support for fast development iterations. Developers who work with React Native receive a big advantage in terms of time saved through debugging acceleration. To review the changes made to an operation of the app by code, alterations of not more than a couple of seconds are required.
  5. Constant enhancement. React Native, relatively is a young framework, which has amazingly huge potential. The constantly growing library enables fruitful interaction with native components, enabling cross-platform to gain an edge, compared to native and hybrid developments.
  6. Labor resources reduction. To make a mobile application with React Native, one need not separate development teams for target platforms. React Native features could develop and maintain the code base, and release platform-centric app versions as well. In theory, with a certain JavaScript knowledge level, even one programmer could build and support an application for Android or iOS or both.
  7. No problems in launching media browser. Mobile apps for Android, made with Cordova, are launched through the WebView wrapper, with a number of flaws. When using a WebView, the media player could not be loaded in full-screen mode by default. Thus, developers have no choice but to build a special container that automatically stretches to the full screen. In React Native, the issues are non-existent, since the framework offers two ways of scaling media windows dynamically.

With the pros of the React Native framework, it is clear that it is the preferred option this year. A React native development company will enjoy more demand and a chance to develop more highly effective mobile app solutions that cater to clients all over the world.