As you decide to take your company to the global level, you need to know how to deal with the new markets, international market. The communication, however, is the central key to attracting new international customers od your products or services. The main challenge is to communicate your business without “harming” or “offending” the customer’s value in each market region. This will require your conducting localizing on your products and services as the best business communication at the global level.
1. Packing and Labeling
It doesn’t matter what products you want to sell, but the product packaging should be localized using the destination language and even gimmick. You might be required to adjust the color of packaging which is more naturally appeared in the local culture. You can enhance the labeling to be more creative an attractive but being understandable is a must. At this point, it might require special business translator in each market region you want to sell your products or services.
2. Administration
Entering new market can mean new administrative procedure or simply require you to complete them in the local language. Legal documents including leases, brand or trademark application, marketing pamphlets and brochures, and other local applications should be well maintained. It will be time and resource consuming but don’t rush at this stage, you need to ensure the administration matters wouldn’t give you problems at any time in the future.
3. Localized Marketing and Branding Strategy
You may not apply the same marketing strategy in the new market. It also means that you can’t literally translate any marketing materials in local language without considering the semantic and local market research. The marketing materials should be aligned with the local customs. You’ll need to hire a consultant on this matter instead of a generic translator, you might need a local business consultant. It doesn’t matter if it leads to the rebranding, your investment will be repaid soon.
4. Local Workforce and Support
As you want to extend your business in the certain region, the distribution facilities, local offices, and other infrastructure should be settled down. You’ll need to hire local workforces and stay in communication with them. All the selling, purchasing, accounting documents for regular basis need to be done by local workforces in coordination with the central office. The communication will be crucial in generating an in line and accurate business documents. Localization and CSR would be the best way you can gain local support for your products or services.